How much say does Holden have over where to zone for multi-family housing?

Because Holden does not have an MBTA station, the town has flexibility in designating a multi-family housing zone. Holden can shape a district in line with its master plan.

Holden’s 2019 Master Plan has a stated goal to “[r]ezone more land in the Main Street Corridor for multi-family housing and 10,000 and 15,000 square foot (sq. ft.) lots.” (Chapter 4, p. 25) Holden has the right to designate a multi-family district in line with the 2019 Town of Holden Master Plan, which also fits the state requirements under the MBTA Communities Law.

Holden received a $60,100 state Community Planning Grant in Fall 2023 to hire a consultant to engage the community on shaping zoning changes that would also include Holden’s plan to comply with the MBTA Communities Law.

However, Holden risks losing local control of designing the district required under the law. If Holden does not move forward with a compliance plan by the final deadline for submission (12/31/2024), the state could potentially impose its own zoning decisions without community input.